Thursday, October 12, 2017

There, I fixed it

When I bought my motorcycle, it came with awesome aluminium side boxes. The one on the left had a small hole that the previous owner had patched with jbweld, and it looked OK. But, I've had the bike for 7 years, and dropped it a few times, and it stopped keeping water out.
So, I bought a bottle of pure Argon for my mig welder, and a spool of aluminium wire and "there, I fixed it."
As it was

After grinding all of the jbweld and paint away from the damaged area.

After filling in the holes and re-shaping it with a flap disc sander.

Add a light to a weehoo

I made a bracket to mount a cygolight rear light onto a weehoo.
It was fairly easy. It's just a 5/8" by ~ 4 inch piece of aluminium with 4 holes drilled, two for the reflector and two for the light mount.